28 Oktober – 31 Desember 2020
Bebas / Anywhere (GPS Base)
10K/28K • Charity/Virtual Run
Reg. Fee IDR.150rb
- Include Donation IDR.28rb for those affected by COVID19.
- Include Delivery ! Max. IDR.15rb
- Reg. on Web 🎟 iluvrun∙com/…129
- Reg. by App. 🎫 iLuvRun :
Google Play / App Store - Reg. ends 30 Des 2020
🏅 Medal with FREE engraving 🛡️ e-Badge 📜 e-Certificate
HariBaik + iLuvRun
Complete in max 30 days (less if start late)
- Single/Multiple runs
- Delivery: 5-7 days upon race completion
Sumpah Pemuda Virtual Run • 2020
WE ARE NOT DIFFERENT ! WE ARE JUST DIVERSE In today’s condition, our society doesn’t tend to see from multiple perspectives. We consider difference as resistance, and so the values of diversity are sinking. We all are born with various uniqueness, but are bound together by love of our nation. We forget that there’s still one common value that we can share amidst our diversity, namely the love of this country, this nation, our homeland, Indonesia.Sumpah Pemuda Virtual Run
• 28 Oktober – 31 Desember 2020