The Mandalika 100 • 2021

04-05 Desember 2021
Beach/Trail Run
  • 25K • COT∙5h:0m • EG.344m
    IDR∙500rb / USD.35
  • 51K • COT∙12h:0m • EG.1721m
    IDR∙800rb / USD.55
  • 114K • COT∙28h:0m • EG.5160m
    IDR∙1250rb / USD.86
Limited Slots!
Jl. Raya Pemda Kedung Halang. Gg. Rajawali Bogor 16710
💳 Bib 👕 Jersey 🏅 Finisher Medal
🏬 Airport BIL @ 01-03 Desember 2021
The race committee obeys the official regulations/permits issued by the government. The permit, whether or not this event will be held, will be given a month before race day regarding the dynamic conditions or situation. It can be earlier or later.
  • If requested by the authorities, participants are required to submit a Covid-19 free letter in the form of a RAPID TES which will be announced later.
  • If the event is FAIL to be held because the committee does not get the permit from the relevant authorities, there 2 (two) options: you can stay as a participant at Mandalika Ultra 2022 or you can refund your race fee with a max. 5 percent administrative deduction.
  • Related to the Race pack collection will be arranged later. The finisher medal and shirt will be sent to the finisher’s address, with reimbursement of shipping costs.
  • Qualifications: Participants are required to have completed a race at least one of the following; 114K: min. 50K trail/road, 51K: min. 30K trail/road & 25K: min. 15K trail / 21K road.
  • Regulations and conditions may change regarding the dynamic conditions of the pandemic. Please always update on website Mandalika Ultra 2021.‬

The Mandalika 100 • 2021

The Mandalika Ultra Trail 100 • 2021

MANDALIKA TOURISM AREA, Lombok – West Nusa Tenggara is adjacent to several beautiful beaches in the south of the island of Lombok, which is included in the Central Lombok District and West Lombok District. Still, in the original natural atmosphere that has not been touched too much, this area is so rich with the beauty of the vast expanse of the coast, complete with soft white sand.
The race starting from Kuta Mandalika Beach to Seger Beach, Merese Beach, Tanjung Aan Beach, Gerupuk Beach, Are Guling Beach, Mawun Beach, Munah Beach, Telawas Beach, Semeti Beach, Mawi Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Belongas Beach, Mekaki Beach, and Sekotong Beaches.
The Mandalika 100 • 2021

What is more special, all the attractions of the beaches are then combined with the beauty of the background of the green hills that fortify each of the beaches. If you climb these hills, you will be able to spread out a view of the entire coastline which is incredibly beautiful from the height of the hill.
114K 👟 The Mandalika 100 • 2021 51K 👟 The Mandalika 100 • 2021 25K 👟 The Mandalika 100 • 2021      
The Mandalika 100
 •  04-05 Desember 2021
IG. #Mandalika100

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